Irregular vaginal lubrication may happen at any age however vaginal dryness occurs more frequently during and following menopause. When hormones degradation happens, it is common for many women to experience dryness because secretions are created. During these times of stressful and busy lifestyle, this may happen at any age. Indicators of vaginal dryness include itching, burning and tingling throughout the vaginal opening and within the anus. Additionally, it creates sexual intercourse painful and uncomfortable and generally girls who have problems with vaginal dryness, are inclined to steer clear of sex due to the pain. High levels of anxiety tend to be connected with vaginal dryness. Remedy: When hormonal imbalance is the reason for vaginal dryness, there are easy measures that you can take to increase your vaginal lubrication. Estrogen, a female hormone, which helps maintain vaginal tissues healthy by keeping standard vaginal lubrication, tissue acidity and elasticit...