Have you ever dedicated yourself to weight reduction just for the sake of good health? It's not strange to wake up one morning, have a look at the mirror, and understand you've somehow managed to obtain additional, unwanted pounds. Apart from making you look less than your best, the excess weight which creeps up on you may lead to a whole slew of medical issues. While wanting to look attractive is a common and likable goal, but your well-being should be on the top of your list, followed by looks and so on! Some Health Issues triggered by Obesity: Have you felt tired and lethargic even without having to do much in a day? Do you lack the energy that you want to make it through the day? Or suffer from unexplained aches and pains? If so, then you may be mistaking these items for some indications of old age, whereas the truth is these signs could result from the additional pounds you're gained over the years, which is now causing distress and causing hindrance...